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J Korean Soc Environ Eng > Volume 38(6); 2016 > Article
J Korean Soc Environ Eng 2016;38(6): 299-308. doi: https://doi.org/10.4491/KSEE.2016.38.6.299
서울시 저영향개발(LID) 시범 시설에 대한 편익 특성 연구
이승원, 김이호
한국건설기술연구원 환경.플랜트연구소
Study of Benefit Characteristics for Low Impact Development (LID) Facilities demonstrated in Seoul Metropolitan
Seung Won Lee, Reeho Kim
Environmental and Plant Engineering Research Institute, Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology
Corresponding author  Reeho Kim ,Tel: 031-910-0304, Fax: 031-910-0291, Email: rhkim@kict.re.kr
Received: December 9, 2015;  Revised: February 25, 2016;  Accepted: March 14, 2016.  Published online: June 30, 2016.
Seoul metropolitan has established a vision as ‘Healthy water-cycle city’ to resolve urban water-environmental deterioration. And it established administrative structure to expand Low Impact Development (LID) facilities to recover aggravated water-cycle and water-environment. Therefore, various LID facilities are constructed and operated, however, benefit analytic plans for systematic valuation are insufficient. In this study, to analyze economic, environmental and social benefits of LID facilities, contents for benefit analysis were selected and categorized as water, energy, air quality and climate changes. As a result of quantification and valuation to the beneficial effects, LID facilities showed the total benefit as 1,191~3,292 won/yr. Characteristics of benefit distribution by analysis contents were various reflecting functional characteristics of each LID facility (Water: 30~90%, Energy: 4~44%, Air quality: <1~2%, Climate change: 5~22%). As a result of Triple Bottom Line analysis, economic benefit showed the greatest portion as 75~90%. As further studies, suggested benefit assessment plans for each LID facility should be applied to inter-connected LID systems on complex-scaled area, and synergy effects by various LID systems would be evaluated such as prevention of heat island and flood disasters.
Key Words: Low Impact Development (LID), Benefit Assessment, Categorization for Benefit Assessment, Quantification and Valuation, Triple Bottom Line Analysis
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