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J Korean Soc Environ Eng > Volume 38(7); 2016 > Article
J Korean Soc Environ Eng 2016;38(7): 364-370. doi: https://doi.org/10.4491/KSEE.2016.38.7.364
초순수 생산을 위한 최적공정 조합 평가
이경혁1, 김동규2, 권병수2, 정관수3
3충남대학교 토목공학과
A Study of the Optimization Process Combination on the Ultrapure Water Treatment System
Kyung Hyuk Lee1, Dong Gyu Kim2, Boung Su Kwon2, Kwan Sue Jung3
1K-water Institute
2Korea Water Resource Corporation
3Chungnam National University
Corresponding author  Kyung Hyuk Lee ,Tel: 042-870-7526, Fax: 042-870-7549, Email: kh.lee@kwater.or.kr
Received: May 12, 2016;  Revised: June 1, 2016;  Accepted: June 24, 2016.  Published online: July 31, 2016.
In this paper, the technique that determines efficient process combinations for the ultrapure water production was studied. The ultrapure water is one of the industrial water used in industrial activity and required in the advanced technology integrated industry. It is produced by combined process including filtration, ion exchange processes, the reverse osmosis (RO) process, degassing (DG) process and UV-oxidation (UVox) process. An ultrapure water production process consists of 15-20 different water treatment unit process. In this study, a pilot plant was built and operated to research the design parameters for the individual process. Through the pilot plant operation, 19 effective combinations were optimized among various processes. And then, 11 of them satisfied the final quality of the ultrapure water. The stability and economic feasibility were evaluated about the final 11 process combinations.
Key Words: Ultrapure Water, Optimization, Industrial Water, Pilot Plant, Process Combination
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