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J Korean Soc Environ Eng > Volume 37(12); 2015 > Article
J Korean Soc Environ Eng 2015;37(12): 657-667. doi: https://doi.org/10.4491/KSEE.2015.37.12.657
남조류에서 발생하는 독소의 문제점과 대책
전봉석1, 한지선1, 김석구2, 안재환2, 오혜철2, 박호동1
1신슈대학교 이학부 물질순환학 코스
2한국건설기술연구원 환경・플랜트연구소
An Overview of Problems Cyanotoxins Produced by Cyanobacteria and the Solutions Thereby
Bong-seok Jeon1, Jisun Han1, Seog-Ku Kim2, Jae-Hwan Ahn2, Hye-Cheol Oh2, Ho-Dong Park1
1Department of Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Science, Shinshu University
2Environmental and Plant Engineering Research Institute, Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology
Corresponding author  Ho-Dong Park ,Tel: +81-263-37-2490, Fax: +81-263-37-2560, Email: pparkhd@shinshu-u.ac.jp
Received: November 29, 2015;  Revised: December 11, 2015;  Accepted: December 15, 2015.  Published online: December 31, 2015.
Cyanobacteria frequently dominate the freshwater phytoplankton community in eutrophic waters. Cyanotoxins can be classified according to toxicity as neurotoxin (Anatoxin-a, Anatoxin-a(s), Saxitoxins) or hepatotoxin (microcystins, nodularin, cylindrospermopsin). Microcystins are present within cyanobacterial cells generally, and they are extracted by the damage of cell membrane. It has been reported that cyanotoxins caused adverse effects and they are acculmulated in aquatic oganisms of lake, river and ocean. In natural, microcystins are removed by biodegradation of microorganisms and/or feeding of predators. However, in process of water treatment, the use of copper sulfate to remove algal cells caused extraction of a mess of microcystins. Microcysitns are removed by physical, chemical and biological methods according to reports. The reduction of nutrients (N and P) inflow is basic method of prevention of cyanobacteria bloom formation. However, it is less effective than investigation because nutrients already present in the eutrophic lake. In natural lake, cyanobacteria bloom are not formed because macrophytes invade from coastal lake by eutrophication. Therefore, a coastal lake has to recover to prevent of cyanobacteria bloom formation.
Key Words: Cyanobacteria Bloom, Eutrophic Lake, Cyanotoxin, Microcystin
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