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J Korean Soc Environ Eng > Volume 37(11); 2015 > Article
J Korean Soc Environ Eng 2015;37(11): 636-641. doi: https://doi.org/10.4491/KSEE.2015.37.11.636
플라스틱 고형 연료의 가스화 특성
전영남, 임문섭, 조대영
조선대학교 환경공학과
Characteristics of Gasification for a Refused Plastic Fuel
Young Nam Chun, Mun Sup Lim, Dae Young Jo
Department of Environmental Engineering, Chosun University
Corresponding author  Young Nam Chun ,Tel: 062-230-7156, Fax: 062-232-2474, Email: ynchun@chosun.ac.kr
Received: January 16, 2015;  Revised: April 27, 2015;  Accepted: November 30, 2015.  Published online: November 30, 2015.
Waste energy conversion to SRF (Solid Refuse Fuel) has the effects not alternative fossil fuel usage but also the reduction of greenhouse gas. But the direct burning of the SRF including a plastic waste generates air pollution problem like soot, dioxin, etc. so that an application of pyrolysis and gasification treatment should be needed. The purpose of this study is to supply a basic thermal data of the pyrolysis gasification characteristics in the plastic-rich SRF which are needed for developing the novel pyrolyser or gasifier. To do so, a bench-scale test rig was newly engineered, and then experiments were achieved for the production characteristics of gas, tar, and char. While SRF sample, gasification air ratio, holding time changed as 2 g, 0.691, 32 min respectively, the H2 1.36%, CH4 2.18%, CO 1.88%, Cl2 15.9 ppm, HCl 6.4 ppm were composed. Also light tar benzene 4.03 g/m3, naphthalene 0.39 g/m3, anthracene 0.11 g/m3, pyrene 0.06 g/m3, gravimetric tar 18 g/m3, and char 0.29 g was formed.
Key Words: Plastic Solid Refuse Fuel, Gasification, Tar, Syngas, Char
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