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J Korean Soc Environ Eng > Volume 37(11); 2015 > Article
J Korean Soc Environ Eng 2015;37(11): 607-618. doi: https://doi.org/10.4491/KSEE.2015.37.11.607
CFD와 PIV 기법을 이용한 저압막 유입부 수리구조 개선에 관한 연구
오정익1, 최종웅2, 임재림2, 김동길3, 박노석3
1LH 연구원
2K-water 연구원
3경상대학교 토목공학과 및 공학연구원
A Study on Hydraulic Modifications of Low-Pressure Membrane Inlet Structure with CFD and PIV Techniques
Jeong Ik Oh1, Jong-Woong Choi2, Jae-Lim Lim2, Donggil Kim3, No-Suk Park3
1LH Institute
2K-water Institute
3Department of Civil Engineering and Engineering Research Institute, Gyeongsang National University
Corresponding author  No-Suk Park ,Tel: 055-772-1798, Fax: 055-772-1799, Email: nspark@gnu.ac.kr
Received: November 4, 2015;  Revised: November 12, 2015;  Accepted: November 16, 2015.  Published online: November 30, 2015.
This study was conducted to suggest hydraulic modification for improving evenness of inlet flow distribution into side stream type low-pressure MF (microfiltration) module using CFD (computational fluid dynamics) simulation and PIV (particle image velocimetry) techniques. From the results of CFD simulation for various typed inlet structure, it was investigated that installing internal orifice baffle in inlet the distribution channel could improve the evenness of inlet flow distribution over about 40%. Also, from the results of PIV measurements which were carried out for verifying the CFD simulation, it was observed that the momentum of the water body coming from the opposite side of the inlet was relatively larger. This momentum would generate strong shear force in the near of inlet side wall. On the other hands, occurrence of dead zone and eddy flow was confirmed in the opposite side.
Key Words: Evenness of Flow Distribution, Side Stream Type MF Module, Hydraulic Modification, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV)
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