차를 이용한 수돗물 간접 음용시 수돗물 중 미네랄 함량 변화 연구 |
김정희1, 류리나1, 송대성1, 이정엽1, 이영주2 |
1K-water연구원 수질분석연구센터 2K-water연구원 상하수도연구소 |
Study on the Changes of the Mineral Contents in Tap-water Drinking with Diverse Teas |
Jeonghee Kim1, Rina Ryoo1, Daesung Song1, Jeongyeop Lee1, Young-Joo Lee2 |
1Water Quality Research Center, K-water Institute 2Water Research Center, K-water Institute |
Received: September 8, 2015; Revised: September 16, 2015; Accepted: September 21, 2015. Published online: September 30, 2015. |
On this study, we investigated the removal characteristics of residual chlorine and DBPs in tap-water during boiling. Also we investigated the releasing characteristics of essential minerals in infusion tea. While recent studies focused on removal mechanisms of harmful heavy metals in infusion tea, this study tried to suggest the way to drink tap-water healthier and safer by examining releasing mechanisms of essential minerals in infusion tea. As a result, residual chlorine(initial conc. was 0.7 mg/L) was all removed in 20 minutes after heating and DBPs (the sum of THMs, HAAs and CH) were removed up to 65%. 6 kinds of essential minerals (Ca, K, Na, Mg, S, P) were released from 5 kinds of infusion tea (barley tea, corn tea, brown rice tea, cassia seed tea, solomon’s seal tea) on the market. In cassia seed tea, the amount of essential minerals released from tea showed the highest values, 9.6 mg/g, and brown rice tea was the lowest, 1.6 mg/g. Particularly, the released amounts of potassium, playing a key role in human body in maintaining normal blood pressure, cell metabolism and enzyme action, showed relatively high. Through this study, we got to know that essential minerals can be obtained up to 40% of recommended nutritional intake for Korean by boiling tap-water with infusion tea. |
Key Words:
Essential Mineral, Tap Water, Infusion Tea, Residual Chlorine, Disinfection By-products |