낙동강 수계에서의 자외선 차단제류 검출 특성:본류, 지류 및 하수처리장 방류수 |
서창동1, 손희종1, 최진택1, 유평종1, 장성호2 |
1부산광역시 상수도사업본부 수질연구소 2부산대학교 바이오환경에너지학과 |
Occurrence of UV Filters in Nakdong River Basin : Mainstreams, Tributaries and STP Effluents |
Chang-Dong Seo1, Hee-Jong Son1, Jin-Taek Choi1, Pyung-Jong Yoo1, Seong-Ho Jang2 |
1Water Quality Institute, Water Authority 2Department of Bioenvironmental Energy, Pusan National University |
Corresponding author |
Hee-Jong Son ,Tel: 051-669-4788, Fax: 051-669-4669, Email: menuturk@hanmail.net
Received: July 15, 2015; Revised: August 28, 2015; Accepted: August 30, 2015. Published online: August 31, 2015. |
This study was investigated occurrence and distribution patterns of UV filters in Nakdong River basin (mainstream, tributaries and sewage treatment plant (STP) effluents). 5 (EHS, BP-3, 4-MBC, BZC and EHMC) out of 7 UV filters were detected in 5 out of 20 sampling sites (mainstream and tributaries), 7 UV filters were not detected in mainstream samples, and the EHS, BP-3, 4-MBC, BZC and EHMC concentration levels in tributary samples were ND~60.8 ng/L, ND~72.1 ng/L, ND~57.2 ng/L, ND~60.1 ng/L and ND~85.2 ng/L, respectively. 5 (EHS, BP-3, 4-MBC, BZC and EHMC) out of 7 UV filters were detected in effluents of 11 STPs around the Nakdong River basin. The EHS, BP-3, 4-MBC, BZC and EHMC concentration levels in 11 STP effluents were ND~89.3 ng/L, ND~90.8 ng/L, ND~88.1 ng/L, ND~118.5 ng/L and ND~104.4 ng/L, respectively. According to the sampling season, distribution patterns and detected concentrations of 5 UV filters were similar in June and September 2014, but change ranges of distribution patterns and detected concentrations of 5 UV filters were highly variable in April and November 2014. |
Key Words:
UV Filters, Personal Care Products, Nakdong River Basin, STP Effluent, GC-MS/MS |