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J Korean Soc Environ Eng > Volume 37(5); 2015 > Article
J Korean Soc Environ Eng 2015;37(5): 269-276. doi: https://doi.org/10.4491/KSEE.2015.37.5.269
호소수를 원수로 사용하는 정수장의 소독부산물 생성 특성 및 제어 방안
이기창1, 제갈봉창1, 최일환2, 이원태3
2한국수자원공사 수돗물분석연구센터
3금오공과대학교 환경공학전공
Formation Characteristics and Control of Disinfection Byproducts in a Drinking Water Treatment Plant Using Lake Water
Kichang Lee1, Bongchang Gegal1, Ilhwan Choi2, Wontae Lee3
1Gyeongsangbuk-do Institute of Health and Environment
2Korea Water Resources Corporation
3Kumoh National Institute of Technolog
Corresponding author  Wontae Lee ,Tel: 054-478-7636, Fax: 054-478-7859, Email: wtlee@kumoh.ac.kr
Received: March 24, 2015;  Revised: April 9, 2015;  Accepted: May 15, 2015.  Published online: May 31, 2015.
This study investigated the influence of characteristics of natural organic matter (NOM) on the formation of disinfection by-products (DBPs), and proposed the control strategies of DBPs formation in a drinking water treatment plant using lake water in Gyeongsangbuk-do. The fluorescence excitation-emission matrix analysis results revealed that the origins of NOM in raw waters to the plant were a mixture of terrestrial and microbial sources. Molecular size distributions and removals of NOM fractions were evaluated with a liquid chromatography-organic carbon detector (LC-OCD) analysis. Humic substances and low molecular weight organics were dominant fractions of NOM in the raw water. High molecular weight organics were relatively easier to remove through coagulation/precipitation than low molecular weight organics. The concentrations of DBPs formed by pre-chlorination increased through the treatment processes in regular sequence due to longer reaction time. Chloroform (74%) accounts for the largest part of trihalomethanes, followed by bromodichloromethane (22%) and dibromochloromethane (4%). Dichloroacetic acid (50%) and trichloroacetic acid (48%) were dominant species of haloacetic acids, and brominated species such as dibromoacetic acid (2%) were minimal or none. Dichloroacetonitrile (60%) accounts for the largest part of haloacetonitriles, followed by bromochloroacetonitrile (30%) and dibromoacetonitrile (10%). The formation of DBPs were reduced by 16~44% as dosages of pre-chlorine decreased. Dosages of pre-chlorine was more contributing to DBPs formation than variations of dissolved organic contents or water temperature.
Key Words: Disinfection By-products, Natural Organic Matter, Trihalomethanes, Haloacetic Acids, Haloacetonitriles
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