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다변량 통계기법을 활용한 실시간 수질이상 유무 판단 시스템 개발 |
허태영1, 전항배1, 박상민2, 이영주3 |
1충북대학교 정보통계학과 2새만금지방환경청 측정분석과 3K-water연구원 |
Development of Real-Time Water Quality Abnormality Warning System for Using Multivariate Statistical Method |
Tae-Young Heo1, Hang-Bae Jeon1, Sang-Min Park2, Young-Joo Lee3 |
1Department of Information & Statistics, Chungbuk National University 2Monitoring and Analysis Division, Saemangeum Regional Environmental Office 3Water Research Center, K-water Institute, K-water |
Received: June 3, 2014; Revised: August 7, 2014; Accepted: February 3, 2015. Published online: March 31, 2015. |
The purpose of this study is to develop an warning system to detect real-time water quality abnormality using a multivariate statistical approach. In this study, we applied principal component analysis among multivariate data analyses which was used for the correlation between water quality parameters considering the real-time algorithm to determine abnormality in water quality. We applied our approach to real field data and showed the utilization of algorithm for the real-time monitoring to find water quality abnormality. In addition, our approach with Korea Meterological Adminstration database identified heavy rain data due to climate change is one of the most important factors to explain water quality abnormality. |
Key Words:
Multivariate statistical method, Warning system, Principal component Analysis, Real-Time monitoring |