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차집관로와 하수처리시설의 설치에 따른 도시하천의 수질변화 특성 |
주연연, 임봉수 |
대전대학교 환경공학과 |
Characteristics of Water Quality Change of Urban River according to Installation of Interceptors and Wastewater Treatment Plant |
Juan Juan Zhou, Bong Su Lim |
Department of Environmental Engineering, Daejeon University |
Corresponding author |
Bong Su Lim ,Tel: 042-280-2531, Fax: 042-284-0109, Email:
Received: September 30, 2014; Revised: November 19, 2014; Accepted: December 3, 2014. Published online: December 31, 2014. |
In this study, the characteristics of water quality change of the three streams in Daejeon were analyzed according to the expanded installation of interceptors and wastewater treatment plant (WTP). Gabcheon 5 (Singu Bridge) location showed the maximum difference of the highest and lowest concentrations in the last decade. However, the recent water quality of this location was worse than other locations, because of the impact of the effluent from the WTP. In the upstream of the WTP, the Daejeon stream was relatively better than the other locations in organic pollution reduction, and this was caused by the investment for the management of the interceptors in three streams of Daejeon. According to the water quality standard of the stream water quality, the recent water quality of the three streams in Daejeon was acceptable within them in the most of the water quality items, but because the total phosphorus concentration of the upstream such as Daejeon stream, Yudeng stream, Gabchen 3 location did not reach the standard values, a better management of the interceptor was required in the upstream of WTP than its downstream. The upstream of WTP also required a better management of the interceptor than the downstream. The operation and management of WTP was required a high efficiency because the water quality of the effluent from the WTP incurred an adverse effect to the target water quality in the location of the total water pollution load management system. |
Key Words:
Water Quality Standard of Urban Stream, Interceptor, Wastewater Treatment Plant, Operation and Management, Total Water Pollution Load Management System |