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295 |
Nitrogen and Phosphorus Removal Efficiency of Aluminum Usage in DEPHANOX Process
이범, 박노백, 전동걸, 허태영, 전항배
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2012;34(5):295-303. DOI:
304 |
Biological Dechlorination of Chlorinated Ethylenes by Using Bioelectrochemical System
유재철, 박영현, 선지윤, 홍성숙, 조순자, 이태호
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2012;34(5):304-311. DOI:
312 |
Development and Validation of Multiple Regression Models for the Prediction of Effluent Concentration in a Sewage Treatment Process
민상윤, 이승필, 김진식, 박종운, 김만수
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2012;34(5):312-315. DOI:
316 |
VOC/HAPs Emission Characteristics & Adorption Evaluation for Paint Products in Busan Area
송복주, 이승민, 조갑제, 조정구, 유평종, 김기곤
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2012;34(5):316-325. DOI:
326 |
Study on Concentrations and Mass Flows of Perfluorinated Compounds(PFCs) in a Wastewater Treatment Plant
박종은, 김승규, 오정근, 안성윤, 이미나, 조천래, 김경수
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2012;34(5):326-334. DOI:
335 |
Study on Contration Distribution of HCB and DDTs in River Sediments of Korea
박종은, 이상천, 홍종기, 김종국
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2012;34(5):335-344. DOI:
345 |
Asbestos Exposure and Health Risk Asessment for the Residents Near the Abandoned Mining Area in Chungbuk, Korea
신진호, 오석률, 황순용, 정숙녀, 김지희, 남은정, 이진효, 최희진, 엄석원, 채영주, 박철휘
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2012;34(5):345-350. DOI:
351 |
Decomposition of Microcystis sp. Cell and Formation of Chlorination Disinfection By-Products
손희종, 염훈식, 정종문, 최진택
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2012;34(5):351-358. DOI:
359 |
An Experimental Study on the Performance of Multi-Diameter Lateral for Riverbed Filtration
배가람, 김승현
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2012;34(5):359-364. DOI: