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An Hybrid Approach for Designing Detention and Infiltration-based Retentions to Promote Sound Urban Hydrologic Cycle
최치현, 최대규, 이재관, 김상단
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2011;33(1):1-8. DOI:
9 |
Characterization of Water Pollution Load in an Artificial Lake Irregularly Receiving River Water
조웅현, 정병곤, 정승우
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2011;33(1):9-15. DOI:
16 |
Numerical Simulations for Dispersion of the Suspended Sediment Near Daesan Coastal Areas
김진혁, 박건형, 김기철, 서경석
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2011;33(1):16-24. DOI:
25 |
Development and Evaluation of Model-based Predictive Control Algorithm for Effluent NH4-N in A2/O Process
우대준, 김효수, 김예진, 차재환, 최수정, 김민수, 김창원
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2011;33(1):25-31. DOI:
32 |
Correlatioin of Heavy Metal Concentrations between Total Degestion and Aqua Regia Digestion for Sediments from Yeongsan and Seomjin Watersheds
오다연, 최경균, 허인애, 황인성, 김영훈, 허진, 신현상, 오정은, 신원식, 박정훈
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2011;33(1):32-38. DOI:
39 |
Simultaneous Removal of NOx and SO2 through the Comvination of Sodium Chlorite Powder and Carbon-based Catalyst at Low Temperature
변영철, 이기만, 고동준, 신동남
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2011;33(1):39-46. DOI:
47 |
Separation and Recovery of SF6 Gas from N2/SF6 Gas Mixtures by using a Polymer Hollow Fiber Membranes
이현정, 이민우, 이현경, 이상협
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2011;33(1):47-53. DOI:
54 |
Study on Reutilization with Aerobic Microbes of Organic Food Waste Leachates
강보미, 황현욱, 김지훈, 양용운, 김영주
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2011;33(1):54-59. DOI:
60 |
Potential Human Health and Fish Risks Associated with Hypothetical Contaminated Sediments Using a Risk Assessment Model (TrophicTrace?)
양동범, 홍기훈, 김경련
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2011;33(1):60-70. DOI:
71 |
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2011;33(1):71-72.