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3 |
Advanced Technologies in Liner and Cover System of Landfill
현재혁, 김민길
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2007;29(1):3-7.
8 |
The Present State and Improvement of Sludge Disposal from Sewage Treatment Plants
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2007;29(1):8-16.
17 |
Status and Future Plan of MBT
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2007;29(1):17-20.
23 |
Combustion Characteristic Study of LNG Flame in an Oxygen Enriched Environment
김혜숙, 신미수, 장동순, 이대근
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2007;29(1):23-30.
31 |
Inactivation Effect of Cryptosporidium by Ozone and UV
김윤희, 이철희, 이순화
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2007;29(1):31-39.
40 |
Phenol Conversion Properties in Aqueous Solution by Pulsed Corona Discharge
이현돈, 정재우, 조무현
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2007;29(1):40-46.
47 |
Numerical Analysis for Improving of SOx Removal Efficiency in the DSI(Dry Sorbent Injection Technique) of FGD System(Ⅰ)
정진도, 김장우, 김병환, 박영문
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2007;29(1):47-53.
54 |
A Study for the Optimum pH of Hydrogen Production in Anaerobic Batch Reactor
전윤선, 박종일, 유승호, 이태진
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2007;29(1):54-61.
62 |
Simultaneous Removal of SO₂/NO using liquid Homogeneous Catalyst
정승호, 배진열, 박돈희, 정경훈, 차진명
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2007;29(1):62-67.
68 |
Decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide in Fenton Systems
목영선, 조진오, 김석태, 정우태, 강덕원, 이병호, 김진길
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2007;29(1):68-73.
74 |
Study on the Total Analyses of Cake Filtration with Filtration-Permeation Method
임성삼, 송연민
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2007;29(1):74-81.
82 |
Effect of Oyster Shell Addition on the Dissolved Air Flotation and Sedimentation of Bulking Sludge
김동석, 박영식
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2007;29(1):82-88.
89 |
A study on the Household consumption of Tap Water and the Decreasing Rate of lpcd by the increase in the Number of Residents in Seoul
김갑수, 양지희, 황성환
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2007;29(1):89-97.
98 |
Ultrasonic Sludge Disintegration for Improving Anaerobic Digestion and Simulation of ADM1
안재환, 김미경, 배재호, 김희준
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2007;29(1):98-105.
106 |
Effect of DO Concentration on Ammonia Oxidizing Bacteria in Aerobic Biofilm Reactor
유재철, 박정진, 허성호, 김유진, 변임규, 이태호, 박태주
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2007;29(1):106-112.
113 |
Snow Influence on the Chemical Characteristics of Winger Precipitation
강공언, 김남송, 오경재, 신대윤, 유두철, 김상백
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2007;29(1):113-125.