1 |
Thermodynamical Analysis of Composition and Adiabatic Flame Temperature of Combustion Gas of Bunker - C Fuel
허병기, 서형준, 김낙주
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 1986;8(2):1-14.
15 |
Effect of Steam Addition on SOOT Formation in Diesel Oil Burner
강창구, 용기중, 채재우
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 1986;8(2):15-21.
23 |
Studies on the Prediction of Fractional Efficiencies of Cyclones
허병기, 박순동, 서형준
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 1986;8(2):23-31.
33 |
A Statistical Approach to Photochemical Smog Pollution Control for Pusan (Ⅱ) - Time Variation Characteristics of Oxidant Pollution -
박옥현, 김필홍
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 1986;8(2):33-42.
43 |
Effect of Polyvinyl Alcohol on Dye Wastewater Treatment by Rotating Biological Contactor - H2O2 Oxidation Process
박영규, 이철희, 황태구
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 1986;8(2):43-53.
55 |
A Study on th Unit Pollutant Loading Factors of Domestic Sewage
정재기, 조광명, 김낙주
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 1986;8(2):55-63.
65 |
Behavior of Hydraulic Cyclon on the Separation of Cellulose from Waste Paper
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 1986;8(2):65-73.
75 |
The Filtration Characteristics of Activated Sludge by Filtration - Permeametry Method
정재기, 서형준, 임성삼, 김미나
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 1986;8(2):75-82.
83 |
Validity of INT - dehydrogenase Test for Assessing Chlorine and Hydrogen Peroxide Toxicity in Activated Sludge
김창원, 김창원, 김창원
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 1986;8(2):83-92.
93 |
Study on radioactive wastewater treatment with powdered ion exchange resin
손진언, 이내우
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 1986;8(2):93-97.
99 |
Design and Operation of Rotating Biological Contactors
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 1986;8(2):99-104.