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797 |
Study of Methanol Adsorption on Activated Carbon using Moment Method
유경선, 신장원, 신성욱, 정종현, 송광섭, 조성준, 강순국
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2003;25(7):797-802.
803 |
Characteristics of Growth Activity and Distribution of Nitrifying Bacteria by In Situ Hybridization and Oxygen Profile by Microelectrode in an Aerobic Fixed Biofilm
김영오, 남해욱, 박태주
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2003;25(7):803-809.
810 |
A Study on Plasma/Catalytic Synergy Effect for VOCs Removal
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2003;25(7):810-815.
816 |
Numerical Study for the Biogas Gas Turbine Combustor
전영남, 신대윤, 백원석
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2003;25(7):816-822.
823 |
A Study on the Treatment and Recycling of Rinse Water Containing Flux when Semi-Aqueous Cleaner is used in HIC Board Cleaning
이동기, 한상원, 김인규
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2003;25(7):823-831.
832 |
Continuous Biosorption of Heavy Metal Ions by a Seaweed in Fixed Bed Column
이학성, 서정호, 이경래, 윤태경
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2003;25(7):832-837.
838 |
Optimal Condition for Reductive Dechlorination of Trichloroethylene in Cement/Fe(2) Systems
박현진, 황인성, 손석일, 박주양
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2003;25(7):838-845.
846 |
Application of Coagulation and Advanced Oxidation Process for the Removal of Organic Matter from Landfill Leachates
박주현, 이진필, 김학성
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2003;25(7):846-852.
853 |
Adsorption Efficiency of Toxic As(3) onto Iron-Coated Sand
양재규, 이성일, 유대환, 권혁기, 성준용, 조주환
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2003;25(7):853-859.
860 |
Investigation of Abnormal Eggs and Cortisol Stress Hormone in Laying Hens due to the Artificial Noise
이희무, 김신, 이종길
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2003;25(7):860-865.
866 |
Simultaneous Removal of Gaseous and Particulate Pollutants in a Room With Optimal Ventilation System
조용수, 여석준
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2003;25(7):866-874.
875 |
Pulse Power Pretreatment of Waste Activated Sludge
전용우, 최한나, 정윤진, 홍승모
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2003;25(7):875-882.
883 |
The Structural Characterization of Humic Acids by Photooxidation
김종부, 이동석, 신현상
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2003;25(7):883-888.
889 |
Removal of Aqueous Ammonia to Molecular Nitrogen by Catalytic Wet Oxidation
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2003;25(7):889-897.
898 |
Seasonal Variation and Spatial Distribution of Water Qualities in Youngil Bay, Southeast Coast of Korea
이미경, 임동일, 엄인권, 신응배, 정회수
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2003;25(7):898-908.
909 |
Changes in Characteristics of Biodegradable Organic Matter Removal by Advanced Water Treatment Processes
노재순, 손희종, 박홍기, 황영도, 류동춘, 강임석, 주기재
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2003;25(7):909-919.
920 |
Thermal Hydrolysis of Dichloroacetic Acid Produced during Photooxidation of Trichloroethylene
임재림, 남세용, 김상현, 신항식
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2003;25(7):920-924.
925 |
Mathematical Modeling of Waste Bed Combustion in a Waste Incinerator
전영남, 김승호, 류창국
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2003;25(7):925-931.