529 |
Vermistabilization of Sewage Sludge using Continuous Breeding Bed System
양경수, 박철휘
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2003;25(5):529-534.
535 |
Evaluation of Sewage Treatment Plants using CPE Method of USEPA
우승한, 이민우, 박종익, 박종문
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2003;25(5):535-543.
544 |
Vertical Distribution and Mobility of Arsenic and Heavy Metals in Mine Tailings and Nearby Paddy Fields
김명진, 안규홍, 정예진
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2003;25(5):544-553.
554 |
Stabilization of Contaminated Soils by Heavy Metals using Ca-Phosphates
강정우, 최태범, 선용호, 장윤영
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2003;25(5):554-559.
560 |
Degradation Properties and Production of Fuels in Pyrolysis-Liquefaction of Lignin
윤성욱, 이종집, 이병학
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2003;25(5):560-566.
567 |
Adsorption Characteristics of H.S on the Impregnated Granular Activated Carbon with Diethanolamine
이석기, 박영성
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2003;25(5):567-573.
574 |
Response of Dynamic Activity for Nitrifying Bacteria with Variation of Dilution Rate in an Aerobic Fixed-Biofilm using ATP Bioluminscence Technique
김영오, 남해욱, 변임규, 박태주
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2003;25(5):574-579.
580 |
A Study on the Water Quality Improvement through Riverbed Filtration-Model Analysis and Model Verification
성치돈, 안규홍, 이용훈, 공인철, 김승현
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2003;25(5):580-587.
588 |
Environmental Efficiency Assessment of Corrugated Board for Packing using the Life Cycle Assessment Method
김준범, 황용우, 박광호, 서성원
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2003;25(5):588-594.
595 |
Reaction Characteristics of Calcium-Based Adsorbents for Bulk Separation of CO2 in High-Temperature
박영철, 조광주, 김성배
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2003;25(5):595-601.
602 |
A Comprehensive Study of the Transient Analysis Considering the Unsteady Friction Terms in a Pipeline System
김봉기, 조임영, 이현동, 김상현
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2003;25(5):602-608.
609 |
Absorption and Regeneration Characteristics of Carbon Dioxide by Aqueous MEA/AMP Solutions
오광중, 이상섭, 최원준, 이재정, 손병현
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2003;25(5):609-615.
616 |
Biobarrier Formation in Porous Media under Denitrification Condition
최영화, 오재일, 배범한, 이태호, 류희욱
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2003;25(5):616-623.
624 |
The Removal of Nitrogen and Phosphorus with Step Feed Ratio in Multi-Stage BNR Process
박종복, 최의소
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2003;25(5):624-631.
632 |
Effects of Heavy Metal Salts on Aqueous Solubilities of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2003;25(5):632-637.
638 |
Ionic Equilibria Analysis of the Spent FeCl3 Etching Solution by using Bromley Equation
이만승, 안종관
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2003;25(5):638-643.
644 |
Effect of Inorganic Anions and pH on Adsorption of Cu(2)-EDTA onto TiO2
김근한, 신인수, 최봉종, 이승목, 양재규
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2003;25(5):644-649.
650 |
Enhanced Desorption of Phenanthrene from Soils using a Hydroxyproxyl-β-Cyclodextrin Solution
고석오, 지상현
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2003;25(5):650-666.