1337 |
Characteristics of Wastewater Treatment According to the Variation of HRT and DO in Biological Aerated Filter Process
최동호, 배우근, 박성준, 정진욱
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2003;25(11):1337-1343.
1344 |
Effects of Aeration and Inoculation on Bioventing of Diesel-Contaminated Soil
박준석, 신헌균, 신철호, 박종은, 김영석, 안병구, 김승호, 남궁완
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2003;25(11):1344-1351.
1352 |
Characteristics of Biological Nitrogen Removal Considering Autotrophic Denitrification and Its Microbial Community
이진우, 이한웅, 이수연, 권수열, 최의소, 박용근
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2003;25(11):1352-1358.
1359 |
Reactor Analysis and Dissolved Oxygen Transfer Efficiency in Biological Aerated Filter Process
황병호, 배우근
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2003;25(11):1359-1367.
1368 |
Feasibility Test for Control of Algae by Electron Beam Irradiation in Eutrophic Lake and Coastal Water
강호, 나은경, 신경숙, 장제헌
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2003;25(11):1368-1374.
1375 |
Attrition and CO2 Adsorption Characteristics of Dry Sorbent in Fluidized Bed
이상섭, 우광제, 문길호, 오광중
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2003;25(11):1375-1381.
1382 |
Evaluation of Affecting Factors for Effective Anaerobic Phosphorus Release
허형우, 신경숙, 박승국, 박종부, 최은주, 강호
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2003;25(11):1382-1387.
1388 |
Cometabolic Degradation of TCE(trichloroethylene) by Pseudomonas putida F1 in Biofiltration(1) - Generation and Activity Decay of Enzyme
정인경, 박옥현, 우혜진
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2003;25(11):1388-1393.
1394 |
Decomposition Characteristics and Overall Decomposition Rate Constant of Dissolved Ozone
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2003;25(11):1394-1399.
1400 |
Thickening Characteristics of Water Treatment Sludge as a Function of the Type of Raw Water
배병욱, 박진호, 정연구, 임경호
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2003;25(11):1400-1404.
1405 |
A Study on the Effects of the Preheating Temperature and Input Concentration on NOx Production Catalytic Combustor
정진도, 이보영
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2003;25(11):1405-1410.
1411 |
Environmental Impact Evaluation for Paper & Pulp Package Products - Life Cycle Assessment Case Study -
박광호, 황용우, 조병묵, 김형진
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2003;25(11):1411-1419.
1420 |
Preliminary Investigations on the Developing CSOs Abatement Goals; Comparison of CSOs and Storm Sewer Discharge Loads
이두진, 신응배, 윤현식, 선상운, 곽수동
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2003;25(11):1420-1428.
1429 |
A Study of Dissolved Oxygen and pH Effects on Arsenate Removal using Zero-Valent Iron
방선백, 방기웅
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2003;25(11):1429-1435.
1436 |
Analysis on Heavy Metal Contamination in Soils of the Ulsan Area
이병규, 고일하
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2003;25(11):1436-1447.
1448 |
A Study of Fractional Collection Efficiency of Cyclone under the High Temperature Conditions
정진도, 이상권
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2003;25(11):1448-1455.
1456 |
Effect of Sulfate on the Reductive Dechlorination of Chlorinated Ethenes
이일수, 배재호
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2003;25(11):1456-1464.
1465 |
A Study on Ozone Decomposition and OH Radical Production in Ozone/GAC Process
오병수, 김경숙, 이응택, 나승진, 강준원
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 2003;25(11):1465-1470.