387 |
The Fractionation of Dissolved Organic Materials in Lake and River Waters
이순화, 김용환
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 1999;21(4):387-397.
609 |
Comparison of Biological Nutrient Removal Processes by Activated Sludge Model No.2
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 1999;21(4):609-616.
617 |
Removal of Solid Particle using Continuous - Backwash Upflow Sand Filter
이해일, 이성균, 최광수, 이해군, 김창원
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 1999;21(4):617-625.
627 |
Effect of Operating Parameters on Ultrafiltration Characteristic of Dyeing Wastewater
허해명, 이영철, 최승일, 이상화, 곽종운
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 1999;21(4):627-634.
635 |
Disinfection Study of Bacteria in Sewage by γ-ray and Ozone / γ-ray Irradiation
유대현, 박상욱, 정영도, 김종배, 이면주, 강준
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 1999;21(4):635-641.
643 |
Adsorption Property of Water Vapor on the Modified Natural Zeolite
이후주, 이후근, 박근일, 노성기, 최호석, 이용택
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 1999;21(4):643-651.
653 |
Improvement of Coagulation Efficiency for High Turbidity Water Using the Natural Polyelectrolytes Chitosan
배병욱, 김영일, 김현영, 임봉수
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 1999;21(4):653-660.
661 |
Effect of Sulfate and Sulfide on the Methanogenesis of Unadapted Granular Sludge in UASB Process
정형숙, 정병곤, 양병수
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 1999;21(4):661-667.
669 |
Removal Efficiency of Heavy Metals in Water by Humic Acid
박덕수, 심윤보, 정의덕, 원미숙
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 1999;21(4):669-676.
677 |
The Characteristics of Particle Collection Efficiency by the Type of Corona Discharge Electrode
하상안, 정장표
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 1999;21(4):677-685.
699 |
The Behavior of Heavy Metals by Thermal Treatment of MSWI Fly Ash under the Reduction Condition (I)
이우근, 천재룡, 김진범
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 1999;21(4):699-709.
711 |
Decomposition Characteristics of Microcystin-LR by Ozonation
윤정효, 임정아, 김영탁, 박태주, 김동윤
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 1999;21(4):711-717.
719 |
Life Cycle Assessment for the Rear Bumper of an Automobile
이상용, 노재성, 하종배, 이건모
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 1999;21(4):719-726.
727 |
Numerical Simulation for the Design of Gas Turbine Combustor with Low Emission and High Combustion Efficiency
조선희, 최형일, 전영남
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 1999;21(4):727-737.
739 |
Characteristics of Sonolytic Decomposition of the Refractory Organic Compounds in the Aqueous Solution
모세영, 손종렬, 김만수, 장홍기
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 1999;21(4):739-752.
753 |
Characterization of Functional Fabric Filter
최은미, 이영우, 길인섭, 박영옥
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 1999;21(4):753-763.
765 |
Estimation of High-Resolution, Gridded SO, Emission Inventory in China
백재민, 우정헌, 김정욱
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 1999;21(4):765-774.
775 |
Development of Wastewater Treatment Equipment for Surfactant Plant by Reverse Osmosis Membrane Process
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 1999;21(4):775-783.
785 |
Factors Affecting Denitrifying Reaction at High Salt Concentration (I)
유명진, 정태명, 장경준
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 1999;21(4):785-793.
795 |
A Study on the Application of Thermoplastics to the Solidification of Electric Furnace Dust from Steel Manufacturing Process
정준오, 정진
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 1999;21(4):795-803.
805 |
Running Cost Reduction of Food Processing Wastewater Treatment by an UASB Process Application
이익재, 지해성
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 1999;21(4):805-808.