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Duct - Adhesion and Ignition of Coal - tar Vapor in a Fume Duct
송병호, 강순국, 김상돈
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 1994;16(3):279-288.
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Control of Carbon Monoxide by Mn - Ag Composite Catalyst
이종일, 태범석, 박영우
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 1994;16(3):289-297.
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Removal of SS, COD, BOD, TKN, PO4 - P and Heavy Metal Ions in the Leather Process Wastewater by Chitosan and its Derivatives
김용범, 안병제
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 1994;16(3):299-308.
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Quantitative Determination of Aerosol Contribution in Seoul Metropolitan Subway Stations
김동술, 김신도, 김윤신, 신응배, 이태정
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 1994;16(3):309-319.
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Performance of Hybrid - Type Anaerobic Bioreactor Under Synthetic Distillery Waste Load
공인철, 공인철
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 1994;16(3):321-331.
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Destruction of Aqueous Cyanides at Elevated Temperatures and Pressures (Ⅱ) : - Behavior of Complex Metal Cyanides -
구찬, 이동수
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 1994;16(3):333-341.
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Effects of NOx Removals with Pulse Streamer Corona Discharge
채재우, 전영남, 이상만
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 1994;16(3):343-352.
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Health Hazards of Dioxins and Furans from Municipal Solid Waste Incineration
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 1994;16(3):353-364.
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Effects of Perforated Plates and Bubble Diameters on Gas Holdup in a Bubble Column
윤영웅, 김상렬, 김동윤
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 1994;16(3):365-370.
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Romoval of Trihalomethanes Using Granular Activated Carbon
김동식, 임종주, 조영상
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 1994;16(3):371-379.
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Properties of the Thiocyanate Degradation by the Immobilized Thiobacillus sp. THI 011
정경훈, 최형일
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 1994;16(3):381-390.
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The Removal Characteristics of Cyanide / Heavy Metals - Bearing Waste Water by Micelle Enhanced Ultrafiltration Technique
이근우, 조순행
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 1994;16(3):391-403.
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Treatment of Radioactive Boric Acid Wastes by Reverse Osmosis Membrane (1)
이근우, 조순행, 박헌휘, 김준형
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 1994;16(3):405-413.
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Mutagenicity Evaluation in the Middle Area of Nakdong River Basin
이철희, 박영규, 이순화, 정연손, 내해영웅
J Korean Soc Environ Eng. 1994;16(3):415-422.