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▶ Editor-in-Chief
Kwang Soo Kim Korea Institute of Civil Engineering Building Technology

▶ Associate Editor
Seog Ku Kim Korea Institute of Civil Engineering Building Technology
Seok-Wan Kim Daegu Haany University
Wontae Lee Kumoh National Institute of Technology
Kyeong ho Lim Kongju National University

▶ Editorial Board Member
Sung-Won Kang Korea Institute of Civil Engineering Building Technology
Jun Hee Ko University of Seoul
Dong Hoon Kim Inha University
Byung Hwan Kim Daewoo Institute of Construction Technology
Sang-Hyoun Kim Daegu University
YOUNG-IL KIM Chungnam Development Institute
Young Hee Kim Hoseo University
Yong-Gook Kim Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute
Jeonghwan Kim Inha University
Hyun-Woo Kim Jeonbuk National University
Jooyoun Nam Korea Institute of Energy Research
Don sik Ryu Sudokwon Landfill Site Management Corporation
Kyung Lyoul Park Woosong College
Young Kwon Park University of Seoul
Kyung Ryul BAEK Chungnam Provincial Cheongyang College
Kijune Sung Pukyong National University
Nak Chang Sung Dong-A University
Byung hyun Shon Hanseo University
Byung Taek Oh Jeonbuk National University
Chae Young Lee The University of Suwon
Hyun Joo Lee Yongin University
Hwa Young Le Korea Institute of Science and Technology
Kwan-Soo Jun Yeungnam University
Hang Bae Jun Chungbuk National University
Sokhee P. Jung Chonnam National University
Soo Hyun Chung Korea Institute of Energy Research
Jae Woo Chung Gyeongnam National University of Science and Technology
Woo-Hyeun Joe Seoul Yeongdeungpo Water Purification Center
Seon Ha Chae K-water
Hyeoksun Choi Wonkwang University
Sang An Ha Silla University
Jonghun Han Korea Army Academy at Yeongcheon
Namguk Her Korea Army Academy at Yeongcheon
Seok Won Hong Korea Institute of Science and Technology
Sun jin Hwang Kyung Hee University
InJo Hwang Daegu University

Editorial Office
464 Cheongpa-ro, #726, Jung-gu, Seoul 04510, Republic of Korea
TEL : +82-2-383-9653   FAX : +82-2-383-9654   E-mail : ksee@kosenv.or.kr
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