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J Korean Soc Environ Eng > Volume 37(12); 2015 > Article
J Korean Soc Environ Eng 2015;37(12): 682-688. doi: https://doi.org/10.4491/KSEE.2015.37.12.682
하수슬러지를 기질로 하는 미생물전기분해전지에서 전극간 거리가 메탄 생산에 미치는 영향
임성원1, 안용태2, 정재우1
1경남과학기술대학교 환경공학과, 녹색기술연구소
2경남과학기술대학교 에너지공학과
Influence of Electrode Spacing on Methane Production in Microbial Electrolysis Cell Fed with Sewage Sludge
Seongwon Im1, Yongtae Ahn2, Jae-Woo Chung1
1Department of Environmental Engineering, Green Technology Institute, Gyeongnam National University of Science and Technology
2Department of Energy Engineering, Gyeongnam National University of Science and Technology
Corresponding author  Jae-Woo Chung ,Tel: 055-751-3348, Fax: 055-751-3484, Email: jwchung@gntech.ac.kr
Received: November 12, 2015;  Revised: December 10, 2015;  Accepted: December 23, 2015.  Published online: December 31, 2015.
Effect of electrode spacing on the performance of microbial electrolysis cells(MECs) for treating sewage sludge was investigated through lab scale experiment. The reactors were equipped with two pairs of electrodes that have a different electrode spacing (16, 32 mm). Shorter electrode distance improved the overall performance of MEC system. With the 16 mm of electrode distance, the current density was 3.04~3.74 A/m3 and methane production was 0.616~0.804 Nm3/m3, which were higher than those obtained with 32 mm of electrode spacing (1.50~1.82 A/m3, 0.529~0.664 Nm3/m3). The COD removal was in the range of 34~40%, and the VSS reduction ranged 32~38%. As the current production increased, VSS reduction and methane production were increased possibly due to the improved bioelectrochemical performance of the system. Methane production was more affected by current density than VSS reduction. These results imply that the reducing the electrode spacing can enhance the methane production and recovery from sewage sludge with the decreased internal resistance, however, it was not able to improve VSS reduction of sewage sludge.
Key Words: Microbial Electrolysis Cell, Electrode Spacing, Sewage Sludge, Methane Production, Organic Matter Reduction
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